BC Student Outcomes Program

Welcome to the login page for the BC Student Outcomes Program surveys!

Each year, the BC Student Outcomes Program collects information from tens of thousands of former British Columbia post-secondary students. Former students evaluate their education and are asked about their subsequent employment and further education.

Annual surveys are conducted for Baccalaureate graduates, former Diploma, Associate Degree, and Certificate students, former Apprenticeship students and former Trades Foundation and Trades-Related Vocational students.

If you have been contacted to participate in a BC Student Outcomes Program survey, please give your feedback and help shape the future of post-secondary education in British Columbia.

Please login below using your secure access code, or if you prefer to complete the survey by telephone, please call 1-888-350-1737.

For technical issues, please contact studentoutcomes@malatest.com or 1-888-350-1737.

BC Stats has contracted R.A. Malatest & Associates Ltd. to assist with the administration of the BC Student Outcomes Program surveys. Your confidentiality is important to us. To review the BC Student Outcomes Program Privacy Statement, please click here.

If you have any trouble accessing this survey please email studentoutcomes@malatest.com or call Malatest toll-free at 1-888-350-1737.
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