The information in the BC Student Outcomes Program surveys is collected under Section 5 of the Statistics Act, and Section 26 (a), (c), and (e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA). Your responses will be kept confidential in accordance with the Statistics Act and will only be used for statistical and research purposes. Your responses may be combined with other survey or administrative data. Collected jointly under the Statistics Act, your responses will be shared under Section 12 of the Statistics Act with BC Stats, the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills, SkilledTradesBC (only for the Apprenticeship and Trades Foundation surveys) and participating post-secondary institutions in B.C. You may revoke your consent to disclose your identifiable responses to these organizations by writing to the Director of Statistics before the survey administration end date. When survey results are published, your responses will be combined with the responses of others so that you cannot be identified.
BC Stats has contracted R.A. Malatest & Associates Ltd. (Malatest) to assist with the administration of the BC Student Outcomes Program surveys. BC Stats has information sharing agreements with all participating post-secondary institutions and SkilledTradesBC. These organizations provide BC Stats with Student Contact Information for the purpose of conducting this research. Your information will be kept confidential in accordance with the Statistics Act. Your Student Contact Information will only be used to contact you about this BC Student Outcomes Program research and not for any other purpose.
To learn more about this research: Please visit the BC Student Outcomes Program website at
For frequently asked questions by research participants: Please visit Malatest's website at
For questions about the BC Student Outcomes Program, Statistics Act, FOIPPA and confidentiality: Please contact BC Stats at or 1-888-447-4427.
To revoke consent to disclose identifiable responses: Please contact the Director of Statistics, BC Stats, Ministry of Citizens' Services, PO Box 9410 Stn Prov Govt, Victoria, BC, V8W 9V1.
For technical issues: Please contact or 1-888-350-1737. If you prefer to complete the survey by telephone, call 1-888-350-1737.